Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Week 4 Highlights,

Cunning 94 VooDoo 94

In a weak way to decide a game your hometown
voodoo get jobbed by the SGFFL, that and a
Dumb*** Fumble by Jake Delhomme cost
America's Team its first victory.
Cunning now becomes the only 4-0 team
in your SGFFL....of course if this had happend to another team we would have cared less....LOL...GG Stunts !!

Viking 118 Jobbers 66

Viking continue to pillage the countryside,
To his credit, at the post game news conference
when asked where he would go from here...
Cherry said the following....
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North,
General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus
Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will
have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

The Fish 96 Avon 80

49'er Defense, you cant stop em you can only hope
to contain em...so 463 yards against and you
get 21 pts ? ouch *that has got to hurt*

FluffyBunnies 92 Rolfe 87

Balanced attack led by the Bengals 17 pt defensive
show.....these bunnies ant so friendly huh

Eagles 100 Wizard 81

stepping from behind the curtain the Great and Powerful OZ...
is nothing but a short fat bald guy...Eagles
Destroy a team that, with all the talent in the world
underachieving. Stunning loss for Spoons army...
As was forecast, on Friday, prior to the game,
in the RTC Lunch Room...The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an

Flies 73 CPU 49

Umm, CPU, ummm the game...the game....their
was a game on sunday...where the hell were you ?
Flies continue to defy logic, no running backs and they
keep winning and winning....

Yandle 117 Legionaires.... 88

Favre and Stephen Davis....wow....56 points...hard
to beat that! It'sInTheGame...comeback team of the
year !

AC 105 Endowed 69

Winless AC Tops a very uninspiring WEP team. When told of the lack of performance Jenna advised WEP to try some viagra next game

jenna goes 5-3 ..... our pick em girls are now 20-12 after 2 weeks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chills ran down my spine reading Maximus' remarks....

1:07 PM  

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