Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Help is on the Way !

In response to the emergency message sent by DarkHelmet,FEMA Director David Paulison issued the following statement.

"We have initiated a search and rescue for the SGFFL membernamed "dark helmet". We understand this man has been livingon his roof, while his faux pas football team has been flounderingin the Florida humidity. Do not let your heart be troubled, as wewill make every effort to deliver this man from his misery.Though, I can tell all that are listening, based on a recon flight,this man's team is in shambles, it would appear that even thesuperdome, the civic center, and the levies of New Orleans are inbetter shape. We can save the man but we can not save his dreamof the playoffs. At this point we would suggest that he worry aboutself being as opposed to some ridiculous dream of something thatwill never ever happen. In closing, fear the voodoo."


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