Thursday, January 05, 2006

Wizard to change Name !

As reported by former Monday night football sideline reporter and now former Playboy Playmate Lisa Guerrero, the Carolina Wizard will be announcing a name change !

This stunning turn of events, for the SGFFL Bowl champions comes just a week after their win. When reached for comment Britt Taylor made the following statements. "We did not put to much thought into our name, actually I stole the name from a game I had been playing, I had no original ideas nor thoughts about a good quality name"

Recently Britt gave up smoking, only to start again two days later...he denied that the name change was due to anything other then not being able to come up with an original name.

Meanwhile, his fans continue to celebrate. As seen in this photo of his fan club. This "fun" happened during the "We are the best" celebration being held in Mr. Taylors front yard.


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