Sunday, November 20, 2005

Week in Review

Our Babe Gwen ended the week 5-2-1. Not bad for a chick huh.

Playoff Picture is becoming more defined, more focused, may be time for some to cut and run...make the trades that set up next year....

Now Football Fans.....Lets get ready for week 11

voodoo -2 wiz
Ian "or who are you really" -5 avonladies
Fly -14 rats
cunning -2 Eagles
Vikin -17 WEPS
AC -1 CherryDale
Rolfe -3 CPU
Game -11 Dolphins

And your pick em Girl is.....................................................................................

Anna Kournikova, who becomes our first "sports" pick em

Anna, we would like to thank you for taking time out of
your busy "modeling/tennis" life to participate in the
SGFFL Pick'Em fun.

Umm, well, I don't really know who you are or what this is..though i can tell you i am 5'8 113 from Moscow Russia.
Have you bought your wife/girlfriend one of my sports bras ?

Ahhh no, sorry we have not. Though i see that capitalism lives well with Russians nyet ?

Well we russians have learned one thing about america,
Sex Sells. As you know i never won a major tennis event, but american men love me...why ? tell me.

Anyhow, if you would like to join my fan club, drop me a line...
c/o octagon Management Group
1114 av of the americas, ny ny 10036

Now, i am suppose to tell you some things right ?

Yes, anna we are awaiting your picks of the week.

O.K., hold on.....hmmm.....

I no like the name Wiz, makes me think of men urinating.....
VOODOO please

This Ian is like Anastasia, you know the missing russian princess ? You have heard the story of how my countrymen killed the Czar Nichollas and his family, but his young daughter was never found ? Some say she was alive, others say she was dead....sort of like this Ian guy, the muppet... How can someone that is not real actually win anything ?

FLYS AND RATS, what you find in a russian restaurant.

Cunning Stunts and Eagles, ahhh this is the man whos wife rides on rockets and sits on his shoulders while riding bikes..I like

viking -- Russians never really liked Nordsmen, however, i like the idea how Vikings treated women....girls like bad boys

AC vs. Cherry
Hmm, this guy ac...his team had really sucked until last week....well, lets jump
on the bandwagon...

Rolfe vs CPU

One thing i know about football....Manning is good

Game vs Dolphin
as many of you know, i learned to play tennis, real tennis in Florida
so how can i not pick a dolphin ?

From Russia with love....


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