Saturday, September 24, 2005

Week 3 Picks by Adriana Lima, victoria secret model

VooDoo - 1 vs CPU
Winless VooDoo favored ? Take CPU and steal the casinos money. After all, whats the best way to score with a model ? Big Glass of Beer of Course Give me the big beer mug baby !!
CPU + 1

Viking -2 vs Avon Ladies
Going to be a very good matchup, you have to love the high scoring Viking, In the old world the Vikings would have come to Avon, located in England, and burned the city, stolen the women and eaten all the goats. At last check norv turner was still coaching the give me the drunkin Nordsmen to pillage again.

RiverRats +26 vs Eagles

Is this a college game ? 26 points ? to many to give any SGFFL team..even if they are playing the VooDoo. Take these Rats,with portis and sleeper wr darrell jackson
Rats +26

FlogginDolphins even CherryDale
another wonderful matchup, in a close one give me Cherry.By the way, when is the last time you went to and bought you better half something,did you know everytime you spend a dollar i am able to be paid 4 million a year ?
CHERRY in a pick em

Wiz - 4 vs Rolfe
Isn't it time for steven jackson to go off ? isn't it time for peyton to go off ? However, Palmer, T.O., the Edge, Chargers D.....the only fault in the wiz is that defense. Give me Rolfe in a very close game. Have you ever seen me in thigh highs ? check it out

AC -4 vs ItsInTheGame
From the depths of despair to a 500 record. The Yandlewitz have a little strut in their step. Led by Julius Jones and Stephen Davis...they have a strong ground attack, however, qb is a question as is wide out spots. Trent Green, Tike and Warrick have me leaning toward the Acadians....can an angel be wrong ?
AC - 4

Legions + 17 vs WellEndowed
Size does matter however 17 points ? Holmes and Leftwich look good but i like WEP to beat the spread, in my major stretch take the Endowed Guys....speaking of endowed, what would happen if your wife wore something from tonight ?

Cadfly +10 vs CunningStunts
McNabb but no running backs, Panthers D vs. Miami...Jets D vs. Jax, John Casey, Tom Brady...and, as was said byJess Alba, girls like Bad Bad Bad Boys...Randy Moss, dope smokin, female traffic cop runnin over in his SUV, just downrightbad ass man.
Give me Cunning -10



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