Week 8 brought to you by.....Shakira
We would like to thank Shakira for the
last minute picks. Reached, via phone,
from her hotel room in Buenos Aries, the
stunning blonde had the following to say...
We understand you received a phone call at
about 4am, did you have any objections to such
an early call regarding something as trivial as
SGFFL week 8 ?
"Ay ay ay "
Do you follow the SGFFL regularly ?
"Ay ay ay "
Hmm, we here you really like your new song "La Tortura"
"Ay ay ay"
You have a nice ass
"Ay ay ay"
O.K., Well we thank you for spending a few minutes with us, but we need to go....
"ay ay ay
Oh after all I've done for youIt was such a torture to lose youIt hurts me so that it's like this"
umm, o.k. well we better go....will be looking for your new videos....
"Keep on crying sorryI…I'm not goingTo cry over you"
VooDoo -1 AC
can't go against americas' team !
Bunnies -7 Avon
I like to piss jason off, take the rats
Vikings -19 Eagles
Eagles 6-1 and giving them 19. Take the upset
Stunts -36 WEP
Can't go against the Stunts, they will be 8-0 at days end
Wiz -6 CherryDale
This is redemption weekend for Cherry, after feeling slighted by a non-tradelook for Cherry to put the whoopin on em.
Dolphin -23 Rolfe
Fear Flipper ? Not hardly, howevera bi-week for the Colts means Rolfeis in T.R.O.U.B.L.E
Phins -23
Yandle -13 CPU
I like a stunning upset...no pun intendedfor the cunts.
FLIES -4 Where in the world is Ian
Carmen Sandiego can't even find this guy,give me the "invisible guys"