Sunday, December 04, 2005

Week 13 PICKS

We would like to welcome our Week 13 Pick Em Girl,
Sarah Michelle Gellar....yes non other then Buffy the Vampire Slayer visited League HQ's to throw in her two cents on the upcoming week.

The 5' 3" inch actress, best known for her TV career as the afore mentioned "buffy" gives her thoughts on the week ahead.

Saldi -18 vs Dolphins

americas team in a route
Stunts -19 vs Avon

love the act that Stunt puts on, reminds me of my days on the set...i did all my stunts so you have to give the guy props

Weps -12 vs Bunnies

To many points to give these guys....take satins animal of choice in delivering the plague

Eagles - 14 vs Ian

Ian is like the living dead, you never see em, but you know they are out there.


Viking -20 vs Fly

Can anyone stop these guys, ahh and based on his team photo, with
all the japs...stealing like i stole from japan the movie Grudge...
Think of all the things japanese that have been stolen.....Iron Chef...
Grudge....Ichiro....Microwave ovens.....on and on...

Take the 'Kings

CPU -10 vs Cherry

These guys logo is a beer mug, how in the hell can a blonde not take the beer guys ? Beer and Blondes lead to so much fun


Game +3 vs Wiz'a'na'tors

Look back at the Wizards draft,,,was the best by far of anyone.

Take the Wiz
Rolfe -6 vs AC

Lets jump on the AC bandwagon, out of the blue they are making a run at the playoffs, not bad for a 15 yr. old.



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